Neurodivergence Related Struggles

Neurodiversity refers to the understanding that human neurological functioning is a spectrum of ability. Being neurodivergent means having neurological functioning that falls outside of what is considered "typical." If we organized data about a particular aspect of functioning on a normal curve, then neurodivergence refers to characteristics occurring outside of 68% of folks' neurological functioning. 

Names for neurodivergence which may be familiar:

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism
  • Giftedness (or rainforest minds) 
  • Dyslexia
  • Dyspraxia
  • Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome
  • Highly Sensitive
  • Slow processing

I'm certain you've heard others. We have developed many ways to label and identify people who function in a fashion other than typical. 

Neurodivergent adults come to therapy for a variety of reasons. In my practice, these have been the most common:

  • Inability to "fake being normal" anymore
  • Depression from feeling unseen 
  • Anxiety about social relationships and functioning
  • Wanting to more deeply understand their own feelings and the feelings of others
  • Wanting to know more about their specific neurodivergence spice
  • A desire to live less stressfully, and more meaningfully, in a world not designed to support them
  • Processing hurtful, even traumatic, experiences related to their neurodivergence

Because neurodivergence presents differently in each person, we will spend the first couple sessions building an understanding of how neurodivergence has impacted your life and what changes you desire. We will be exploring your sensory, social, and cognitive experiences and challenges. We may use art, talking, exercises, etc. to understand where you are when you enter therapy. I will discuss with you what I can offer in response to your needs. Then we will collaborate on a plan for therapy. Therapy for neurodivergence includes attention to sensory needs, and it requires flexibility from the therapist in response to in-session struggles. We will work together to assist you with monitoring your somatic responses and communicating your needs in the therapy room throughout the entire therapy relationship. Building this skill is often the first step for folks to start living a fuller life outside the therapy room! 

The end goal for therapy is dependent on each person whether neurodivergent or not. If you are interested in discussing beginning therapy to address neurodivergence related concerns, or if you are neurodivergent and seeking therapy for other issues, contact me using the form below. I will follow up to schedule a consultation call as soon as I am able. 

Main Location


12 East Mill Road,
Flourtown, PA 19031

My Availability




9:00 am - 1:30 pm


9:00 am - 1:30 pm


9:00 am - 1:30 pm


9:00 am - 1:30 pm



