Therapeutic Approaches

Art Therapy

Art therapy is the use of the art process to explore and manage difficult experiences while healing. Art therapy offers the opportunity to experience healing in a simultaneously safe and deeply emotional way. Painful memories and feelings can be explored creatively. Art therapy can be an especially effective therapy for those who struggle with verbal communication or experience disconnection between their internal sense of self and current lived experiences. In order to practice art therapy safely and effectively, art therapists attend accredited graduate programs, which include extensive supervision, to refine our use of art to affect psychological processes.

Participating in art therapy does not require artistic talent or knowledge. The focus is on expression of where you are now and your responses to the art. By creating and exploring, you will gain insight into deeper internal processes and be able to change your relationship to them. At times, art therapy reveals strengths we forgot we had! Within the practice of art therapy are a variety of approaches. Our particular use of art therapy will depend on your individual needs when we begin working together. 

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

ACT is an evidence-based therapy framework which focuses on increasing psychological flexibility. In ACT, progress is determined by a person's improved ability to tolerate and manage difficult thoughts and feelings, identification of freely chosen individual values, and actions taken toward living according to these values. ACT teaches you to be the assessor of your own choices and experiences and to modify your approaches. Metaphors are central to ACT work, thus it integrates nicely with art therapy. Techniques are taught which increase your contact to the present moment (similar to mindfulness but different in purpose and execution). You will develop new ways of relating to your anxious, sad, and angry feelings. Additionally, you will work to find increased satisfaction in your daily choices. ACT involves practice outside sessions, and regular assessment of your progress. The goal of ACT, and all my work, is for you to no longer need me. 

Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT)

Often, people arrive to therapy with minds that are highly critical of themselves or others. These criticisms often accompany feelings of guilt and shame. Shame and guilt can become barriers to healing and need to be attended to. CFT allows for the development of an internal compassionate self even if one is currently lacking. By developing your compassionate mind, you will gain the ability to meet injured or neglected aspects of yourself with care. Compassion reduces shame and increases tolerance of difficult experiences. CFT relies on regulated breathing and somatic techniques, visualizations, and repeated practice of engaging with this compassionate self. It is a gentle therapy practice with a focus on safety and trust. CFT integrates well with both art therapy and ACT. 

Main Location


12 East Mill Road,
Flourtown, PA 19031

My Availability




9:00 am - 1:30 pm


9:00 am - 1:30 pm


9:00 am - 1:30 pm


9:00 am - 1:30 pm



